Just a Thought: Let Love Be…

August 19, 2015 § Leave a comment

Let Love BeThe world feels topsy turvy to me lately. It’s like someone turned things around and started shaking – like a snow globe. Everything is upside down and backward. Everything – even the weather.

Everywhere I turn, I see hate. The media thrives on it. Fuels it. Creates it. Whether if it is politics, religion, diets, Hollywood, fashion, human rights, football, food – Everyone has something to complain about. Looking at my newsfeed lately has left me feeling drained and weary.


Why is there so much more hate in the world lately? Is it just that social media allows an easier and larger platform? Does it give people a feeling of empowerment to voice these rather loud opinions in a way they would have never considered a decade ago? Or is it more than that?

I don’t know if the reason is really important or not – that certainly is a subject for another day. Regardless of the reason, the fact still remains that there is unabashed HATE everywhere.

Yes, there is a lot going on in the world today. Yes, there is also a lot of change. And change can be scary. But let’s take a step back for a moment. Let’s put our opinions on these issues aside and take an unbiased look at them –

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